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Coffee can be a great way to enhance your mental attention during the exam season. There are countless studies on the benefits of coffee, including being alert and awake while studying.
Like many other things in life, you have to draw a line on how much coffee you should take during exams. Just like the benefits, there are also cons related to taking too much coffee. Here’s what you need to know about drinking coffee during exams.

Drinking coffee before exams
Studies show that drinking coffee before an exam helps in one way or another. For instance, a study by Nutrition Journal conducted on 500 students showed signs that coffee has a positive effect in helping students to be focused.
While there is no conclusive evidence that coffee can enhance your grades, there is proof that coffee helps students to be alert, attentive, and more absorbed during exam time. You have a better chance of recalling the information you read a previous day when you take coffee before an exam.
Coffee can help students increase retention of information which is important during an exam. It also comes in handy if you are writing an essay or doing a complex assignment, so you no longer have to pay for paper. Studies show that students who take coffee in college get to be more prepared during exams than those who don’t. Coffee also comes in handy for students who have anxiety and stress during exam time, as shown by research. While doing your research paper, you may use a research proposal help offered by Writix. This writing site is a great platform where students can get a high-quality paper that is free from plagiarism.
How much coffee to take
Depending on how often you drink coffee, students should just take enough coffee and not more than they need to. The average person takes 399mg of coffee, which will be enough to get you going for the rest of the day. To get the point home, it equals at least 2 cups of Starbucks cappuccinos.
You should, however, take note that it may be too much for younger students, but older students can just drink the same amount as adults. While taking coffee before exams, take note of the sugar and milk ratios because it may be too much for some, especially those with the risk of contracting diabetes. More than two coffee mugs may be too much, so the best amount of coffee before an exam will be 1 cup.

Caffeine works before exams
Besides your information retention, coffee also increases your level of alertness. These are key elements students need to ace exams. It is important to know how much coffee you need. For the average student, a cup of coffee before an exam will be enough to give you that “popular wisdom effect .”Taking the right amount of coffee also affects how fast you react to things.
During exams, you need to be efficient and think fast because time is of the essence. You also get to enhance your accuracy in doing tasks, an important thing you need during an exam.
Benefits of coffee for students
Studies show that taking a cup of coffee before sitting for a test can increase your attentiveness twice. You also get to be optimally decisive, focused, and more attentive to details. This is probably why many people take coffee first thing in the morning.
Taking coffee before an exam also enhances your brain’s performance which will help you to reason during the paper. Coffee also boosts your memory, which is important in ensuring you remember key facts, patterns, and other objects that may feature in an exam paper.
Cons of coffee during exam time
It’s not all cozy and rosy with coffee while trying to stay active so that you enhance those grades. First, caffeine addicts will have to spend extra backs to ensure they get as much coffee during exam time as regular days.
This may be challenging because you get short of coffee on your shelve and even within your local stores. Secondly, coffee lightweights may feel early negative effects of too much coffee like headaches, anxiety, and even dozy. You shouldn’t indulge in coffee during exam time if you don’t regularly partake in it.
If you want to enhance your exam preparation and experience, coffee may just be your best friend during this season. While indulging in coffee, make sure to notice the effects it has on your concentration and focus. Also, be keen not to overindulge because too much coffee can also negatively affect your health. Be sure to follow the above tips if you decide to take coffee during your exam season.
Author’s Bio
Kathy Mercado works as an online writer for a leading agency known for its career and education guidance for students. She develops content for the agency, and when she has time, she helps students write essays. Her free time is for learning pottery and sculpting, and watching stand-up comedy shows.