Cooking As A Hobby: Reasons Why It Is Worth Trying

July 11, 2023
4 mins read
Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

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Many people dislike cooking for a variety of reasons, whether it be because they think they suck at it, their schedules are too busy to fit it in, they are unable to follow directions, they hate eating alone, or they just hate the cleanup that is necessary after cooking. Sometimes people think of cooking as a chore, but if they consider all of the benefits associated with taking up cooking as a hobby, there will no doubt be a landslide victory for cooking. Let’s discuss some of the reasons.

Why you should take up cooking as a hobby

Cooking together improves relationships

Cooking together is a great way to bond. Cooking with your children plays a significant role in their development. It increases their creativity, curiosity, acceptance, self-esteem, teamwork, and cultural awareness. Not only are those skills important in childhood, but they also carry through to adulthood, helping children become healthy and balanced adults.

Also, studies have found that cooking is one of those activities that, when done together as a couple, strengthens their relationship. It fosters communication, and it is a great way to have fun. Solving problems together helps couples appreciate each other better. 

Cooking is emotionally rewarding

Science shows that cooking is emotionally rewarding—it is a type of therapy that works wonders for your mental health. So, if you are having a bad day, instead of curling up on the couch and flipping through TV channels, pull out a recipe book and cook.

Cooking saves you money

Cooking at home, no matter the meal, will be a lot cheaper than anything you can find at a restaurant. See for yourself—one day, compare the prices of the ingredients to your restaurant bill—you will be amazed at how much you save. It has been found that, on average, ordering takeout costs five times more than cooking at home. Although there is more hassle involved in cooking at home, the money you save makes it worth it.

Cooking helps keep you healthy

When you cook at home, you use less sugar, fat, and salt than they do at a restaurant. You will probably use more whole grains, vegetables, and fruits too. Almost anything you cook from scratch will be a lot healthier than restaurant food. Constantly consuming home-cooked food will mean lower medical bills in the long run as well.

Cooking for yourself means that you are able to control what ingredients go into your food. You will be able to avoid packaged foods, which are usually high in sodium and loaded with additives.

Where can you learn how to cook?

Believe it or not, everyone can cook. Some people just have a natural talent for it, while others need some guidance. You may become intimidated when your initial attempts at cooking result in something not so tasty, but what you may fail to realize is that it is an ability that improves over time and with experience. Don’t be discouraged. All you actually need is to be patient with yourself while you learn some good basics. Develop an interest in food, put some effort into it, and you will be cooking your tasty meals in no time.

How to start learning to cook

Watch others cook

You would be amazed at how much you can learn simply by watching others cook, especially if you are someone who learns best by seeing things in action. Watching someone cook from start to finish will no doubt teach you how to do it yourself. You will learn the importance of marinating certain foods, about the various cooking utensils and how to use them, the cooking times for different foods, various cooking techniques, and much more.


You know what they say—practice makes perfect, especially in the kitchen! However, you will need to ensure that you begin with the basics and follow whatever recipes you are trying out to the letter. That way, you will familiarize yourself with good practice and the cooking utensils and techniques, get to see how different components work together, and even find out what you can use as substitutes for certain ingredients. As you gain more confidence, you will eventually be able to adjust recipes to match your own taste preferences.

Find recipes to try

Reading recipes is a great way to learn more about cooking and expand your culinary skills. They not only list the ingredients, but they also give you step-by-step instructions. If you are just starting out, this is the best way for you to learn. You have a wide range of cooking websites available to you. 

Ask questions if you need to

Questions are a natural part of learning—they enable you to process information more efficiently. So, whenever you encounter something that is unclear or unfamiliar, be sure to ask about it. You can ask family, friends, or even the chef at the restaurant you are eating at how to make the dish you really enjoyed. We all have this one particular friend who makes the tastiest banana bread, but you somehow lost touch with them. PhoneHistory can help you verify their contact information so that you too can have the recipe for the tastiest banana bread.

The takeaway

As we said before, some people are naturally amazing in the kitchen, while others just need a little more practice to reach that level. If you are looking to improve your cooking skills so that you can take it up as a hobby, there are plenty of things you can do, the most important of which is to be patient with yourself as you try out different options.

Check out some recipes, watch cooking videos, or take some cooking classes to help you get more comfortable with different ingredients, tools, techniques, and cooking terms. And once you have a better idea of what you need to do, you can start practicing. Remember to start with simple recipes, then gradually learn the proper techniques and methods and reach new culinary heights!

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