Discover Lincoln, Nebraska: Innovations in Food and Beverage Industry Spotlight

January 30, 2024
2 mins read

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Welcome to another edition in our series of articles featuring Food and Beverage companies headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska. Widely known as a hub for innovation and enterprise, Lincoln is home to an impressive array of companies in this thriving industry. In this article, we are delighted to introduce you to some of the key players contributing to the city’s impressive food and beverage landscape. This diverse group of companies encompasses everything from biotechnology to food processing and beverage manufacturing, each contributing their own unique products or expertise to the industry.

Each company profiled in this feature is at the forefront of their respective niche, whether it be pioneering innovative ingredients for a healthier gut microbiome like Synbiotic Health, or diversifying into cricket protein-based food products like BugEater Foods. These companies have carved out a niche for themselves by capitalizing on unique, innovative concepts and bringing fresh perspectives to the industry. Below, we delve deeper to give you a peek into the core operations and pursuits of these groundbreaking enterprises.

We invite you to join us as we explore this industry in Lincoln, Nebraska’s vibrant Food and Beverage scene. Across each company profile, you will find links that lead to further information about these innovative firms, presenting a treasure trove of knowledge for those keen to learn more about this bustling industrial sector.

Synbiotic Health

Founded by Andy Benson, Bob Hutkins, Jens Walter, and Tom Burkey, Synbiotic Health is a leader in the biotechnology industry focused on high-quality microbiome ingredients. Located at the Nebraska Innovation Campus, their team of experts advances scientific innovation and commercialization in the field of probiotics, prebiotics, and symbionts. You can connect with them on LinkedIn.

Jord Producers

Founded by Cheryl Powers, Jord Producers is a significant player in the agriculture, food and beverage, and manufacturing industry.


Founded by Harrouna Malgoubri, Jeff Tezak, and Katy Tezak, Tiiga offers a plant-based beverage mix made from the Baobab fruit to promote a healthy microbiome and overall wellness. Connect with them on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

BugEater Foods

Founded by Julianne Kopf, Alec Wiese, and Kelly Sturek, BugEater Foods is a product development company creating cricket protein-based food products. Connect with them on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Zipline Brewing

Founded by Marcus Powers, Zipline Brewing stands as a prominent player in the brewing, craft beer, food and beverage sector. You can connect with Zipline Brewing on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Kohler Industries

Graced with the visionary leadership of Jim Kohler, Kohler Industries is a significant player in the arena of food and beverage, food processing, and industrial manufacturing. Connect with them on Facebook and LinkedIn.

B&R Stores, Inc.

B&R Stores, Inc. is a substantial player in the food and beverage industry.

Heartland Gourmet

Heartland Gourmet offers high-quality food products, including freshly baked scones, muffins, and hot cocoa. They are also producers of Gluten-Free Mama Products and Wanda’s Organic Mixes. Connect with them through Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

The Chocolate Season

The Chocolate Season is a wholesaler of handmade chocolates and confections. Connect with them through Facebook and LinkedIn.

Presage Analytics

Presage Analytics is a significant player in the computer, food and beverage, and software production sector. Connect with them through Twitter and Facebook.

Cedar Hollow Foods

Cedar Hollow Foods is a prominent player in the food and beverage, food processing, and manufacturing sector. Connect with them through Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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