Tips for Keeping a Well-Stocked Pantry at Home

October 12, 2023
1 min read
Tips for Keeping a Well-Stocked Pantry at Home

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Are you a once-a-week grocery shopper, or do you plan out meals for the month in hopes of not seeing the store for a while? Many types of shoppers exist, but they all have one thing in common—no one wants to grocery shop more than necessary. One way to avoid making several trips to the grocery store is to keep a well-stocked pantry. Keep reading to learn some tips for keeping a well-stocked pantry at home if that sounds like a plan you’d like to implement.

Why a Stocked Pantry Is Helpful

Sometimes, the easiest way to cave to fast food and delivery is not having enough groceries in the house. You need more than bags of chips and cases of soda to make a healthy meal. A well-stocked pantry contains the usual necessities that make mealtimes possible. For example, you may not have any meat left in the freezer, but you’ve got dinner if your pantry has boxed spaghetti and canned tomato sauce.

Buy in Bulk

The most helpful thing you can do to stock up is to buy in bulk. Several trips to the grocery store often lead to buying more than necessary and spending too much money. You can save money and have plenty of food in the house for a while if you plan and buy in bulk. Here are some great items to buy in bulk and store for many months in your pantry:

  • Canned beans
  • Canned sauces
  • Canned fruits and veggies
  • Dried beans
  • Rice
  • Dry milk
  • Dried pasta
  • Flour and sugar
  • Spices
  • Any freeze-dried foods

Your family may consider other items according to their tastes. However, just be sure you are stocking the pantry with things that have an extended expiration date.

Start a Rotation

You must keep track of which foods are older and which are newer. Don’t stick new items in front of old ones when you get home from the store. Instead, put recently purchased food items behind the older ones, so you are always grabbing the least fresh first. Be sure to check expiration dates before eating or cooking an item.

Some people also have an area within their pantry that is for emergencies only. Many consider canned and freeze-dried foods to be survival foods; however, freeze-dried foods will last much longer than canned items, so keep plenty of them on hand for emergencies, and don’t place them in front and center.

Mealtimes take planning if you want to save money and eat healthily. Follow these tips for a well-stocked pantry, and your mealtimes will require little thought or expense.

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