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Hamilton Beach Commercial HWG800 Juicer
This product was recommended by Abigail Richards from Tech President

This heavy-duty juicer uses high torque for maximum turmeric juice extraction. It is made of high-quality parts and solidly built for professional functions. The best thing about this is that it can produce juice of up to 5 oz. Hence, such a good juicer and perfect for ginger. .
Omega Slow Masticating Cold Press
This product was recommended by Granger McCollough from Elite Patio Direct

It’s a masticating juicer, so it’s ideal for a hard root vegetable like ginger, as it’s designed to slowly, but surely squeeze the maximum amount of juice out of the source while leaving a dry, solid pulp. And as well as being easy to operate and clean, the Omega comes with a fifteen-year guarantee, which means that you can juice a veritable mountain of ginger before you have to even begin to worry about the Omega wearing out.
Aobosi Slow Masticating Juicer Machine
This product was recommended by Chris Myles from Golf Cart Go

I find that our Aobosi juicer is excellent for getting as much juice from the ginger as possible. I find that there’s lots of space for ginger of all shapes and sizes, and has a reverse function for when you’ve accidentally placed too much ginger into the chute. With this juicer, I can have a ginger shot every day, and I like to think that its health benefits improve my work ethic and golf game!
Nama J2 Cold Press Juicer
This product was recommended by Katherine (Katie) Ruesgen from Nama

Nama is on a mission to make it easier and more enjoyable for anyone to consume fruits and vegetables – one of the easiest ways to do this is through juicing. The Nama J2 Cold Press Juicer($550; on Shopify) is a perfect addition to the kitchen (online shoppers are going crazy for it with more than 3,000+ positive reviews to-date) for anyone looking to take their health and wellness to the next level. Here’s why the Nama J2 Cold Press Juicer is unique: – It has a first-of-its-kind game-changing juicing technology that allows for all ingredients of an entire recipe to be loaded into the juicer at one time. – The new hopper technology cuts, and loads produce for you, so you don’t need to feed one ingredient at a time. We’ve all seen how long it can take – this is automatic. A whole pineapple at a time, no problem! Just load everything up and walk away. – Yields up to 60% more juice from leafy greens and 30% more from other produce when comparing the same amount of ingredients with traditional high-speed juicers. – And, the juicer is designed with specific features for an easier clean up!
KOIOS Juicer, Slow Masticating Juicer
This product was recommended by Michael Jan Baldicana from Dream Chasers

The KOIOS Juicer is a masticating juicer with a reverse function and it is perfect for extracting juice from ginger. It has a quiet motor, so you can juice at any time of the day without making too much noise. It is also capable of extracting juice from leafy greens and other hard vegetables and fruits.
Mecity Slow Masticating Juicer
This product was recommended by Sharon Sanders from Philadelphia Weekly

Albeit small, this powerful ginger juicer is well-designed, with seven segment spirals that enhance its juicing function. It is also quiet and has a slow motor speed. If in case of product jams, it has reverse function, making it easier to solve the problem. It even automatically stops after 10 minutes of continuous working, hence, no need to worry about forgetting about it.