Exploring Vienna’s Flourishing Food and Beverage Industry Scene

January 30, 2024
2 mins read

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Vienna, often named the cultural capital of Europe, is not just known for its mesmerising architecture and rich history but also vibrant food and beverage industry. Home to companies that are setting new standards in food technology and supply, Vienna is steadily rising as a hub of innovation in this sector. This article is dedicated to the path-breaking businesses based out of Vienna that are redefining the way we perceive and consume food and beverages.

From companies harnessing the power of e-commerce to optimise supply chains, to those making seafood more sustainable using 3D printing technologies, Vienna is a hot-spot for culinary innovation. These frontrunners in the food and beverage industry are tackling various aspects of the market, from packaging to water purification, and from food delivery to waste management. This diverse approach is aimed not just at improving consumer experiences but invariably at creating a more sustainable and efficient food and beverage ecosystem.

What follows is a detailed look at some of these companies. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but a celebration of innovation by those pushing boundaries to make food and beverages a more exciting and sustainable sector. Read along to embark on a culinary journey that emanates from the heart of Europe.


Founded by Anna Marton, Patrick Schubert, and Stefan Strohmer, Orderlion is a B2B E-commerce platform enabling various suppliers and wholesalers to digitize their key business processes. This makes connecting with customers along the supply chain more efficient. Users of Orderlion’s platform include beverage wholesalers, fruit and vegetable wholesalers, among others. Follow them on Facebook and Linkedin.

Revo Foods

Established by Manuel Lachmayr, Robin Simsa, and Theresa Rothenbücher in 2020 and headquartered in Vienna, Austria, Revo Foods disrupts the seafood industry with its no-compromise plant-based solution. The company utilises high-precision 3D Food Printing technology to revolutionise food production to make it more sustainable. Connect with them on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.

Blue Planet Ecosystems

Blue Planet Ecosystems, founded by Cecile Deterre, Cécile Deterre, Georg Schmitzberger, and Paul Schmitzberger, brings a novel concept to the food industry. The company turns sunlight into seafood by replicating aquatic ecosystems that enable the production of organic seafood close to the consumer on any piece of land. Find them on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.

Cardbox Packaging

CARDBOX Packaging Holding GmbH, founded by Hans Pridal, produces cardboard packaging products for sweets, food products, and cosmetics. Check their activities on Linkedin.


Brusli, a food processing and waste management company located in Vienna, can be found on Facebook and Linkedin.

Add to Water

Add to Water is another exciting food and beverage company dabbling in water purification. Follow them on Facebook and Linkedin.


Fulfilling your food cravings right at home is the Austria-based e-commerce food delivery marketplace Mjam. Established by Angelo Laub, they enable users to place orders at local restaurants. They have profiles on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.


Trockeneis-online is a food and beverage company based out of Vienna, with interesting updates on their Facebook page and Twitter handle.


Founded by Hannes Feistenauer, Vienna-based Saturo is a company at the crossroads of fitness, food, and healthcare. Get connected with them on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.

Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety

The Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety is a company of the Republic of Austria, owned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health and Women’s Affairs and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management. They can be found on Facebook and Twitter.


AVISIO, founded by Johannes Ossanna and Matthias Depenbusch, brings digital inventory and procurement management to the hospitality industry with a highly integrated and user-friendly SaaS solution. Connect with them on Facebook and Linkedin.

A move towards entrepreneurial pursuits in the food and beverage sector has highlighted Vienna as an epicentre for innovation and sustainable practices. These companies stand as a testament to the city’s vibrant and flourishing food group, offering novel solutions that benefit not just the industry, but consumers worldwide.

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