Troubleshooting Drain Issues in a Bosch Dishwasher

August 5, 2023
3 mins read
white plate on rack

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Key Takeaways

  • Regular maintenance and proper loading can prevent drain issues in a Bosch dishwasher.
  • Resetting the dishwasher and pausing the cycle can help resolve minor drain problems.
  • Using vinegar and baking soda, checking for blockages, and cleaning filters can help force-drain the dishwasher.
  • Verifying the drain valve and seeking professional help are recommended if the issue persists.
  • Being attentive to the dishwasher’s performance and addressing drain problems promptly can prevent further damage.


A Bosch dishwasher is a convenient and efficient appliance that simplifies our daily lives by taking care of the dirty dishes. However, like any other machine, it can encounter issues from time to time. One common problem that Bosch dishwasher owners may face is a clogged drain. When the dishwasher fails to drain properly, it can lead to standing water, unpleasant odors, and even damage to the machine. In this article, we will explore various methods to troubleshoot and fix drain issues in a Bosch dishwasher, ensuring that your appliance continues to work efficiently.

Resetting the Dishwasher and Pausing the Cycle

Sometimes, a simple reset can resolve minor drain problems in a Bosch dishwasher. To reset the dishwasher, locate the power button and press and hold it for a few seconds until the machine turns off. Wait for a couple of minutes, then press the power button again to turn it back on. This reset can help clear any temporary glitches that may be affecting the dishwasher’s draining function.

Pausing the Cycle

If you notice that the dishwasher is not draining properly during a cycle, you can try pausing the cycle and then resuming it. To pause the cycle, open the dishwasher door and press the “Start” button. Wait for a few seconds, then close the door and press the “Start” button again to resume the cycle. This pause and resume action can sometimes help the dishwasher to reset and resume proper draining.

Forcing the Dishwasher to Drain

If resetting and pausing the cycle do not resolve the drain issue, you can try forcing the dishwasher to drain using a few different methods. One effective method is to use vinegar and baking soda. Start by pouring one cup of vinegar into the bottom of the dishwasher. Then, sprinkle one cup of baking soda over the vinegar. Allow the mixture to sit for about 15 minutes, then run a hot water cycle. The vinegar and baking soda combination can help break down any debris or blockages in the drain and promote proper drainage.

Checking for Blockages

Another common cause of drain problems in a Bosch dishwasher is blockages. To check for blockages, start by turning off the dishwasher and unplugging it from the power source. Remove the bottom rack and inspect the drain area for any visible debris or food particles. Use a soft brush or cloth to clean the area and remove any blockages. Additionally, check the drain hose for any kinks or clogs. Straighten the hose if necessary and remove any obstructions. Once you have cleared any blockages, plug the dishwasher back in and run a cycle to see if the drain issue is resolved.

Verifying the Drain Valve

If the dishwasher still fails to drain properly after trying the previous methods, it may be necessary to verify the drain valve. The drain valve is responsible for controlling the flow of water out of the dishwasher. To access the drain valve, you will need to remove the dishwasher’s kick plate. Once the kick plate is removed, locate the drain valve and inspect it for any signs of damage or blockages. If you notice any issues, such as a broken valve or debris blocking the valve, it may be necessary to replace the drain valve. Contact a professional technician or the manufacturer for assistance with this task.

Seeking Professional Help

If you have tried all the troubleshooting methods mentioned above and the drain problem persists, it is advisable to seek professional help. A certified technician will have the expertise and tools to diagnose and fix the issue accurately. They can also provide guidance on any necessary repairs or replacements to ensure the long-term functionality of your Bosch dishwasher.


A clogged drain in a Bosch dishwasher can be a frustrating issue, but with the right troubleshooting methods, it can be resolved. Regular maintenance, such as proper loading and cleaning filters, can help prevent drain problems. Resetting the dishwasher and pausing the cycle can resolve minor issues, while forcing the dishwasher to drain using vinegar and baking soda can help clear blockages. Verifying the drain valve and seeking professional help are recommended if the problem persists. By being attentive to your dishwasher’s performance and addressing drain issues promptly, you can ensure that your Bosch dishwasher continues to provide efficient and reliable service for years to come.

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